Our Mission is to Help Children Living Under Vulnerable Conditions to Gain Access to Good Shelter and Quality Education

Total Volunteers

Got Shelter

Sponsored Children



(i) Health Insurance to Children

No where on earth Health insurance is needed more than here.
Many children in Tanzania lack good health care due
to not affording health insurance hospital charges which further lead to more deaths for children.
We offer health insurance to children in need.

(ii) Orphanage Project

We support an existing orphanage with 54 very poor, needful vulnerable children. The children age is between 5 to 23 years.
We support them with Scholastic materials, Appropiate clothing and shoes,
More bedrooms and toilets and so much more.
Every child in the orhanage recieves health insurance for the first time in their lives. this significantly improves the health and quality of life of every child

(iii) Construction of new pre-school ( Kindergarten ) with primary and secondary school

We are currently Building a new pre school ( Kindergarten ) and primary school with 7 new buildings ( classrooms ) in the poor area of Massai land in oltupai village/Monduli District about 2.5 hours drive from Arusha/Tanzania ( East Africa)

Original state before our engagement on this project


(i)Planned to Build up our own new orphanage

It is estimated that 3 million Tanzanian children are orphaned due to HIV and AIDS (SOS 2013, PEPFAR 2015)
These children have lost one or both of their parents due to the disease
Although the school enrolment ratio in tanzania have been increasing. It is not the same for the Orphans in Tanzania who do not lack only the Education But also Food and Shelter.

By this project Guardian Angel Foundation aims at giving poor orphans a good education, safe housing and great future opportunity.

(ii)Planned to build a High school

Planed to build a High school from grade 8 to 13 in order to provide children with better future studies chances to aquire quality education.

(iii)Planned to Establish Agriculture project

The Main Objective of this Project is to provide food from agriculture to feed our Children But also By this project Youth will be further developed as a learning and internship.so that our youth people can still learn some practical skills in transition phase between training, Studies and Work.
Also this project will provide various jobs to local Habitants as a means to improve their life.

